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CommunicationPublished on 4 March 2021

"It's about developing solutions with local people, not for them"

Food security, sustainable energy, the promotion of gender equality – the challenges facing sustainable development today are many and varied, but the potential of engineering in this area is just as diverse. To mark World Engineering Day on 4 March, Christian Frutiger, Head of the Global Cooperation Department at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), explains the role that Swiss engineering plays in international cooperation and why becoming an engineer is a good option for anyone who wants to change the world.

Christian Frutiger, Head of the SDC's Global Cooperation Department
The Latin word ‹ingenium› means ‹ingenuity› or ‹cleverness›, and I think we can all agree that the world needs plenty of that.
Creative and flexible working is vital. Learning cycles need to be short so that innovations become available and usable quickly.


Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Eichenweg 5
3003 Bern