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CommunicationPublished on 7 April 2021

Equitable access to diagnostics, treatments and vaccines: three pillars of a global response

Three pillars and many more actors in a global, solidarity-based response. These are the keywords of Switzerland's efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. An approach shared by several international bodies based in Geneva, and which the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is committed to making accessible to low-income countries. Equitable access to health technologies is indeed a priority, and not just in the COVID-19 crisis. We talked to Olivier Praz of the SDC's Global Programme Health Division.

On the lawn in front of the United Nations' main building in Geneva, the words #HEALTH FOR ALL are written in large letters.


Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Eichenweg 5
3003 Bern